Thursday, December 19, 2019

The First Law Of Holes

Nobody vulnerable, you are the dealer.
 K J 8 5 8 5 4  10 K J 6 5 2

Of course you pass, and the auction proceeds:
Pass  2  3 Pass

Are you going to leave partner hanging with only a singleton diamond for support? What about that spade suit? What about clubs? What now?

ANSWER: Pass. No hesitations, no moaning or groaning, just Pass.

Partner knows you are a passed hand. She won't be wandering into the auction at the three-level without at least a sound opening hand and a decent six-card diamond suit. She probably does not have four spades (or even three really good ones), or she would have made a takeout double instead. And that raggedy club suit: well, certainly not worth speculating on at the four-level.

Partner has at least a sound opening bid. Your kings and jacks will fit well with any black-suit honors that partner has, so she should be able to control the black suits. And without a heart stopper and a fit for partner's diamonds, notrump is out of the question. So, unless partner has made a forcing call, just Pass.

THE PRINCIPLE: The First Law Of Holes: When you're in one, stop digging! When you have a misfit hand, end the auction as soon as possible. Don't search to improve the contract; the best (least-worst) place is probably right where you are right now.

-- Ray 
Better Bridge in 5 Minutes. Guaranteed! (or the next one is free)

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